6 Best Ways to Earn money online in 2021

1.Work From Home as a Typist
Sounds interesting, right? Before diving into the depth of the skills of a typist and every fact revolving around the job of a typist, one should understand what typing is.
It is writing something on a computer or typewriter with the help of a keyboard to produce a document or character. Digitalization is one of the reasons why typing is extremely important. The person involved in such an activity is called a typist.
Sometimes, people refer to typing as an art, and yes, indeed it is. We often hear suave statements like “If you are good at something, never do it for free”. Applying the same logic, if you are a good typist, you have the opportunity to earn money by working from home. In the digital era, starting from shopping to finding love on the internet, everything is done online. In case of typing, it is even simpler. You can earn money online without even going out of your house.
Generally, people love to work with things they are familiar with. So what can be more suitable than being a typist? Doing a job online from your home on your laptop on your cosy bed with coffee on the other hand.
To be a typist, all you need is a working computer, good internet connection and basic knowledge in Microsoft Office and its tools. There is no time-bound as when to work. You have the freedom to work anytime and anywhere. The educational requirements vary from organisation to organisation. Generally, a graduation degree is preferred in most cases even though a lot of companies hire typists who are a class XII pass out. Typing speed along with accuracy must be maintained to make the best out of it.
Now, if you are a first-timer and already planning to work from home, you should always pay heed to this small precautionary message: There are thousands of fraudulent companies and tricksters waiting to deceive you by promising work. You must take wise steps while searching for these online home-based jobs. There are few genuine job portals where you need to browse sensibly before applying. These jobs are categorized as full time, part-time, contractual. You can choose one according to your time availability.

Here are some of the jobs and companies that recruit fast and accurate typists :

  • Online chat agents: like AppleEmpire FlipperModSquad recruits online typists both part-time and full time.
  • Closed captioning work: CaptionmaxTransperfect recruits on a contractual basis.
  • Virtual Assistants: BelayFancy handsTime Etc recruits home-based professionals to perform a variety of work.
  • Editors and proofreaders: EitfastFlesjobsMedia Bistro hires professionals to polish their works and documents.
  • Transcriptionists: 3Play MediaRevScribble looks for professionals who can listen to audio files and transcribes them into writings.
  • TranslationKeywords StudioLanguage TranslationWelocalize are some of the organizations for you if you are multilingual or bilingual.

2.Affiliate Marketing Strategies

Affiliated marketing is the process whereby the person earns a commission by promoting other’s product. Affiliate marketing means that an advertiser-cum-consumer likes a product and promotes it to others, and in return, earns some money for marketing it. Now let’s dive into how this works.

There are three people in Affiliate Marketing. The advertiser, the consumer and the publisher. The four parts to Affiliate marketing are:

  1. The Merchant: He is also the maker, the creator, the company or the brand itself.
  2. The Affiliate: They advertise one or more products or services and tries to draw in potential clients through positive reviews and honest suggestions so that they ultimately purchase it.
  3. The Network: Every merchant has their individual product space, such as shoe products or makeup products will have different networks. An affiliate can travel and promote the product efficiently within the network.
  4. The Consumer: The affiliated marketer atoms to target consumer based on their social networking, search engine results, digital billboard, etc.

Especially for perplexed beginners, let’s discuss the main types of affiliate marketing strategies.

  • PPC: Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is a paid method of utilising search engines, websites and blogs to focus traffic to the desired landing page, where the merchant showcases his products. PPC pays each advertiser a nominal fee every time the merchant’s ad is clicked through it. Used to widen consumer outreach.
  • Coupons: Coupons are special discounts on an awesome deal for a particular item. Regardless of whether the commission is high or low, the seller will gain the trust of their customer and it will be helpful in long run payback.
  • Emails: CTAs (Call-to-Action) like ‘Subscribe for Free’, ‘Enrol Now’ and ‘Get Started’ tied to the top of the webpage ensure that it’s visible to anyone who visits the website. Furthermore, with interesting pop-ups triggered on particular customer actions, merchants can add traction to their marketing.
  • Webinars: In Webinars, promoters make a specific audience aware and educated about using different products, in a very user-friendly manner. They give the audience associated benefits and other important details regarding the product and allows the audience to participate and clear their doubts.
  • Review based: in this one becomes this sportsperson for the product and tools that the customer uses and hills promotes them according to the needs of the consumer.
A few of the major affiliating marketing companies are Amazon Associates (one of the largest affiliate networks in the world), ClickbankRakuten Marketing AffiliatesShareASale AffiliatesLeadpages Partner ProgramStudioPress Affiliate WebsiteeBay Partners, etc. Affiliates use easy tools to create web-links between the product page and promotion pages. Affiliates earn small on directing traffic and more when a product is bought through their links.

To start an affiliate marketing website one needs 3 things, and around $30/month.

  1. A hosting Plan – there are other hosting platforms like GoDaddy around $12/month. This hosting plan can host multiple websites.
  2. A Domain – Domains are cost around $12–13/year.
  3. An email marketing software which might cost $15/month (starter plan).
Affiliate marketing strategies have taken a turn in 2020, with more focus on affiliate traffic sources. Presently, marketers only promote products which the customers are extremely familiar with, and merchants constantly test and optimize the customers’ conversion rates.

3.Making money through Google AdSense has never been this easy

Google Adsence is a program initiated by Google that allows users to run Ads on their blogs, websites and YouTube videos and earn some revenue when visitors click on the Ads.
This is a quick way to get income for new websites and that is why it is very popular and trending.
The Google Adsence program has many benefits, which is why it is seen as a viable way by many users to make money. It is free to join and hence any user can access it. It doesn’t have any stringent requirement and many new websites and blogs can use it to make money. It has a lot of options and varieties that you can use to customize it so it can match your website.  If you meet the $100 threshold, Google will pay you monthly.
You can run ads on many websites from one account and you also have the option to run the ads on mobile devices.  However, despite these advantages they have some drawback such as Google can terminate the account at any time if the terms and conditions are not met.
AdSense has a great monetization policy, which enables people to earn money without much effort. However, they have rules that bloggers don’t pay attention to and they end up violating them and losing their account so you need to be extra careful when reading the terms and conditions.
Google has different kinds of AdSense Ads such as TextsImagesRich MediaVideo and you can use any of these kinds of Ads that go with your website and you can even customize them to match with website adding harmony.

How to make money with AdSense


If your earning reach or exceed $100, then Google will pay you at the end of the month. If you have not earned $100, then your balance will roll over to the next month and you will be paid the following month. Your account can show you useful data such as how many clicks each Ad is getting and how much you have earned and this can help you plan.

#AdSense Plan:

If you want to make more money, you need to have a plan in place. Some tips to help you earn more are;
  • Follow the rules by Google so as not to violate any rule.
  • Don’t click on your own ads or ask others to click on it just to add traffic. Google is strict about violating conditions and this kind of unethical clicking will just get you into trouble.
  • Ensure you have great content as the main goal of all the monetization method is to attract target markets and having interesting content can do this.
  • Make use of ethical traffic building marketing techniques. It pays out in the long run then looking for short cuts that don’t last.
  • Ensure that your website is optimized for mobiles as more people use mobile devices these days.
  • Test out the Ads and see which options attract the most income. Use your maximum Ad allowance smartly so to get maximum benefit.
  • Put Ads near your logo, as they are more likely to be seen by the viewers if they are in that position. You can also position them within articles where they will be seen more.
  • Keep experimenting with different links and box colors to see which one works the best for you.
Making money with AdSense Google Ads is easy but making sure that you follow these tips and keep tabs on the small points will ensure that you make the maximum revenue from the Ads that you can.

4.Earn Money Trading in Domain Names

ust as you can trade anything and everything under the sun, the digital age is bringing about new and innovative products that can also be bought and sold.
One such product is domain names. Domain names are being traded on the Internet and an interested person can cash on in this trade. If you are new to buying and selling domain names online, you will need to understand what they are, where do you buy and sell them, what issues are incurred and how much you can make. Here in this blog, I shall go through all these points so that you can have the ability tap into this opportunity and make some extra cash. To begin our understanding we look at:

What Are Domain Names?

Domain names are the addresses of websites that you will type into a web browser. Domains are like owning a piece of land in the Web, you can consider it to a kind of a  virtual property or real estate.

How to use Domain Names?

There are many way in which you can make money by using Domain. You can buy a domain name at low price and then sell it high price, just like in a normal trade. Domains that have some commercial value increase in value over time. You can capitalize on this value.

How It Works?

It works similarly to a normal trade or transaction. You can buy a domain name at a cheap price and then sell it at a higher price. You can even buy brand new domains from a domain registrar. You can buy a brand new domain for $10 to $15 per year. Some of the domains that are being sold already have traffic on them from past activities so if you buy these domains at reasonable prices, you have the potential to sell them at a higher price and making a profit.

How to Buy Domain Names?

You can buy domain names from a domain registrar. There are many  sites such as NamecheapGodaddy and Monikar that sell the domain names.  You need to type in your chosen domain name in the search box and then you can purchase it  if it is available.
If someone else has already registered a domain name that you like, then you can find the owner and buy it. There are some sites like Sedo, which acts as auctions and owners can list their domain names for sale. There are some rules regarding the purchase of domain names. You can not buy a name that has been trademarked by a company and you can not steal a company or person name and buy that domain.

How to Sell Your Domain Names?

The best way to sell your domain name is to list it on the auction sites such as SedoNamejetFlippa etc. You can also advertise on the domains landing page that you want to sell and interested buyer can contact you. When selling your domain name, set a fixed price that you want to sell at and invite bids from potential buyers and sell to the highest bidder or alternatively you can also make and offer to a potential client.
It is possible to make money buying and selling domain names. If you think your domain name can become popular in the future than it is a good idea to buy it and sell later. It is a better to start with a few domains. You should learn what kind of domains to buy and how much to invest. Once you have the knowledge, you can start trading in these and make some profit.
5.PTC sites a potential for that extra income
There are many PTC sites on the Internet that enable users to earn money by visiting or clicking on these sites. You can easily make money through these sites in a fun way.
Though the amount earned is not a lot, it is still a viable way to make some extra revenue. Here in this blog, I will give you a lowdown on these sites and how you can use them to your advantage.
Before we go on to see how to earn the money, we need to understand what are PTC sites.
PTC sites are simply called Paid to Click sites. They pay you money every time you watch an advertisement that is listed on their website.

Requirements for working on PTC:

You don’t need a lot of qualification to earn money in this manner. But there are some basic requirements that you need to fulfill. These include:
  • A laptop or computer with good Internet Connection.
  • A Gmail Account
  • A PayPal Account to receive payments
  • Willingness to work for a few hours every day.

How it works:

Anyone new in the IT market will find it easy to earn money from these PTC sites. The registration on the PTC site is free and no investment is required.  All you need to do is watch the AD and you will be paid around $0.001 to $0.01 for every AD. If it is a longer AD, then you will be paid more money depending on the length of the AD.  All your earnings are automatically updated in your personal account and you can access them anytime.
One issue that many people face is that you only earn a very small amount at a time. You only receive a few cents for every Ad that you view. The amount may be more for a longer Ad, but it is not a whole lot more. This discourages people and don’t want to work on these sitesas the income potential is very low.
However, if a person has a consistent and planned strategy in this kind of work, they can make a fair amount on these sites. You can earn more if you register with more than one PTC site and work regularly. You should ensure that you view all available ads on your account every day. You can even perform some tasks on your account page to earn extra cash. All these small points can ensure that you earn a considerable amount on these sites.

Referral Program:

Referrals are the people working on the sites but have joined using your referral link meaning you are the sponsor. The way you earn money through the referral program is that every time the person you referred earns money, the PTC sites pay you compensation of 10% to 50% of that amount. So you can earn a good amount if the person you referred continues to work.

There are two types of Referral:

  1. Direct referrals are the people who used your referral link to join the PTC sites.
  2. Rented referrals are the people who are assigned to be your referrals for a certain period of time by the PTC sites.
Referrals are the reason for the success of the PTC business and they can boost your incomes considerably. Therefore, to achieve success in this line of work, you need to have a consistent and planned strategy and get as many referrals as your can. Once you can accomplish this, you are on your way to make the extra cash.

6.Web Designing – A Lucrative Way To Earn Money Online

Web Designing is a very rewarding avenue for earning some extra cash due to the amalgamation of online businesses within the traditional model of business.
More and more companies around the world are opting towards online businesses and they are willing to hire web designers to create new websites or redesign existing websites. Anyone with significant experience in the field can provide web design services to clients around the world through their individual freelance web design business and make a comfortable living. Even if an individual doesn’t have a relevant degree in web design, but is cognizant to the basic design skills, they can find many jobs online to earn part time income.

Job of a Web Designer

The basic task of web designer is to create professional and appealing websites for their clients. They would need to design a part or a whole site from scratch, depending on the needs of the client. Most designers also possess additional skills such as graphic designing, web development and SEO, which they can incorporate into their jobs. There are many other simple web design jobs available online that individual with limited web design knowledge can apply for and do.

Skills Needed For Web Designing

A Freelancer web designer should be competent in coding skills such as HTML and PHP, Graphic DesigningSEOWebsite Development and Photoshop Skills.

How To Get Started?

To achieve success as an online web designer, you need to build your portfolio and reputation. You can apply for freelance jobs on sites such as ElanceUpworkGuruFiverFreelancerFlexJobs and PeoplePerHour. Start off with smaller jobs and then look for larger projects and higher paying jobs. You can even create an online presence by creating your own website with an exceptional design and great usability features so that potential clients are able to view you work and can contact you. Include some of your best samples on your website

Promoting Your Web Design Skills

The best way to promote your skills is to create your own website and then market your website to attract potential clients. You can do this by networking with local businesses or joining freelance websites. You can even send direct mailing coupons to local businesses to bring in new customers.
You can network with other web designers, writers and SEO specialists to collaborate your skills and provide an all-in-one solution to your customers. By integrating both your skills, you are able to offer more to your clients resulting in higher customer satisfaction.
You may create a portfolio of your work to showcase your skills and expertise. This portfolio can be advertised on your website. You may even create a blog on web design and advertise your skills and the portfolio of your work. Alternatively, you can ask your clients to put a link of your work on to their websites.
You can join some Internet marketing forums and message boards and then offer expert advice to people to promote your skills. This will create awareness of your skills and help build your reputation.
For success as an online Freelance Web designer, apart from having exceptional skills, you need to able to market your skills to create awareness of your business to succeed. Once you are able to network and reach out to new clients, you are on your way to building a strong client base, ensuring a higher and more stable income.
